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The 8 Books Jeff Bezos Read As A Youth That Helped Him Become The World's Richest Man

Wired Magazine , a publication that focuses on emerging technology, did a long form feature on Jeff Bezos way back in 1999,  The Inner Jeff Bezos .  Back then, his company, was an upstart online bookseller that had just generated 610 million dollars in annual sales. For comparison, Amazon had nearly 100 BILLION dollars in annual sales in 2020.  In the article, they talked about books Bezos felt were impactful reads in his youth, books that he said "emphasized the use of new ways of thinking in old areas."  If you want to raise the next Jeff Bezos, you should make sure the children in your life read the following 8 books:  Embed from Getty Images   The Once and Future King   Stranger in a Strange Land The Lord of the Rings   Dune Watership Down Black Beauty Gulliver's Travels Treasure Island  David Copperfield

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